Naomh Eoin has one, and one only, official Facebook page. This can be located here (type in as per the red box above):
The reason for a ‘page‘ rather than a ‘profile‘ is that it enables us to manage content and prevent people from posting profanity or offensive images. Nobody other than our own club administrators can post to our official page. This is preferable given that our audience includes juveniles.
Could we ask that members and parents refrain from posting images of club teams on any other facebook page that claims to be a St. John’s/Naomh Eoin page? It’s easy to get your photos on the official page (and website as it is updated from facebook by default)…just mail them to and we’ll post as soon as we can. You can still post away on your personal profile pages.
Could we also ask all members who set up pages in the past to close or delete them? Again, we as a club have no way of controlling content that is ultimately linked to us. However, we are always looking for more administrators though, so you can still use your talents for the club!
Here’s an example of what happens with sites over which we have no control. I’m sure none of you want to be associated with the profile image!
If anybody needs help in closing or deleting a page just email me using the address above.